• 1 year guarantee date

    If there is quality problem with your product,please return it to us ,and we will offer you free repair service. Customer should cover the return shipping fee, and Jawmall is responsible for the shipping costs of arranging reshipment by air mail.
    Sometimes we may give you a solution according to the goods'value either issue you a partial refund or send a replacement.

  • 45 days Money Back

    We offer Money-Back-in-45-Day-Service for every buyer. If you don't get the goods/items within 45 days after you pay, you can open an dispute, we will issue full refund to you first without any excuses. However, we sincerely hope you can repay if you finally get the goods/items after 45 days. 

    Recieve a wrong item?
    Please send our service representative  pictures so that we can know what item you did recieve instead and we can try to find out the problem causes. After we confirm this fault, we will give you a solution according to its value either for return, free replacement or offer you low cost to buy it. Of course, if this need to be returned, we will pay for the return shipping which sent by air mail.